Class one

Hello. My name is Kyra Appleby and I am currently a senior culinary nutrition student. My focus is in product development.  I am from Pennsylvania in the middle of nowhere and I have a puppy named Walnut.  I love to do outdoor activities including fishing and hiking.  My favorite thing to do when I have free time is to either paint or draw.  I also spent last summer in Paris, which I am super obsessed with.   I completed an internship this past summer at a company called Oceans 97 where I worked on developing new recipes, researching trends and healthier alternatives, and creating nutrition labels for the products.

1. I think that my dream topic would be to write about what causes allergies and how they have evolved over time because I have half of the top eight food allergies and I don't have a great understanding of them.

2. A topic that I am interesting in but have already written a research paper on before is the concept that part of our current global warming situation is from a warming that happens after a certain period of time.

3. A topic that I am not sure would be a scholarly research project would be about the tv show friends.  It is my absolute favorite tv show.
